ATTENTION: Moving To Volume Two

Well, I've done it -- I filled up an entire free account's worth of storage with my many screenshots. I would love to be able to have this story condensed all in one blog, but alas, I simply can't justify the cost of maintaining a paid blog right now. So, on we go to Volume … Continue reading ATTENTION: Moving To Volume Two

Life & Kittens

Life had been going on for Quest, Lara, and Denver. Quest was putting a lot of hours into writing jokes. He had been doing small shows all over the area. He wasn’t exactly a superstar comedian, but he loved to perform. Lara got caught up in giving their home a major makeover. She had grown … Continue reading Life & Kittens


Quest loved everything about his work at the police station. The job was exciting and challenging -- and there happened to be a coworker he particularly enjoyed working with. Lara was friendly and charming. Quest found her irresistible. He got weak in the knees whenever she talked to him. It’s impossible to explain how excited … Continue reading Lara